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AFB42MRR-ISK Gamefish combo (Long handle Green Rod)

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Product Details

This is our Automatic fisherman Gamefish combo with the long handle 42" medium action rod, its perfect for BIG walleye, BIG pike and BIG trout. The rod has a medium action so it will set the hook good in a hard mouth or a walleye and absorb the head shakes of a big trout and with these rods you can control a bigger fish a little more with the stiffer pole and longer handle. The rod has 8 stainless steel guides to distribute the weight of the fish more in the rods. You can catch light biting fish or aggressive fish by adjusting the angle of the trigger pin with the black tool. We included the 12 inch easy adjust trigger and we also have a timing bobber to allow the fish to take out a little line before the rod sets the hook making the hookup percentages outstanding. The ice stopper product is also included with this combo this eliminates the line from freezing in the ice to -50 degrees allowing you to use the bobber system which will help you catch more fish. The red base is very durable and easy to use open the stabilizer arm up and drop it on the ice and set up the fishing pole it's that simple. The reel is a 4-bb reel with a great drag, awesome internals, anti-lock reverse and a unique push button fold down handle for easy storage.

We make the automatic fisherman 100% in the USA so give it a try I guarantee you will want more.

( Lifetime REPLACEMENT WARRANTY ON THE RED BASE and trigger system)

(5-year replacement on the rod)

Using any of our hook setting systems, you should average an 80 % hookup ratio or better if you don't, please give me a call and i can help you out to achieve that. thanks, Kerry Paulson automatic fisherman 9206395555

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